To introduce about Mongolian National Data Centre (on 22nd of March)
- Provide information on recent seismic activity: (10am to 5pm)
- Introducing the National Data Centre: (10am to 5pm)
- Lectures about the studies of seismic activity and seismic hazard assessment in Mongolia
- To organize “Earthquake awareness and prevention day " at office of the regional seismic stations: (10am to 5pm)
Introduction of seismological development in Mongolia (on 23rd of March)
- Introduction about equipment of seismic station and geophysical survey: (10am to 5pm)
- Documentary film about the strong earthquake: (2:30pm)
- Brief lectures about the studies of seismic activity and seismic hazard assessment in Mongolia (3:30pm)
- Introduction lectures in the frame work of Earthquake awareness and prevention day by researchers of regional seismic stations for their local public. (10am to 5pm)