Ongoing Projects
2016-08-17 10:29:14
Geodynamic Evolution of The Hangay Dome, Mongolia, Central Asia project in collaboration with Lehigh University.
Magnetotellurics research of The Hangay mountain range, Mongolia project in collaboration with ETH Zurich and University of Münster in Germany.
The long arm Himalayan orogeny-tracing large prehistoric earthquakes along the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan and the Mongolian Hangay project in collaboration with the scientist of University of Potsdam.
The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with France’s Montpellier (Geoscience-Montpellier).
“Engineering-geology, hydrogeology, earthquake and technical research aimed at mapping seismic microeconomics in territories of aimags, soums and settlements” project within the framework of the Government Programs, Projects, measures, "National Earthquake Disaster Reduction Program" and the Permanent Earthquake Program of 2016.