International collaboration
IAG’s international collaboration is carried out within the framework of basic activities such as development of personnel and installation of equipment in accordance with International Standards and its monitoring, database development, research methodology development suitable for Mongolia, research findings and introduction of those findings to international discussion and its application to production is expanding year by year.
1957 Institute of Sun and World physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian branch, Institute of the Earth’s Crust in Irkutsk of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1994 Department of Environmental Reform (CEA, LGD), France Institute of Earth Sciences (GFZ)
1996 International Seismic and Earth Physics Association (IASPEI) International Institute for Seismic and Seismic Engineering of Japan (IISEE) The Institute for Earthquake Prevention Research (DPRI)
2000 Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization(CTBTO) Asian Seismic Association (ASC) European Seismic Union (ESU)
2003 Institute of Geo-Azure France, University of Nice France
2004 Air Force Technical Applications Center
2005 Institute of Earthquake of University of Tokyo
2007 University of Strasburg France
2011-2013 The Administration of Earthquake of the People's Republic of China, The Kyushu University of Japan
2012 University of Lehigh, Institute of Astronomy of Korea
2014 University of Münster Germany, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH)
2015 University of Montpellier France(Geoscience-Montpellier)