Earthquake in Saikhan ovoo sum of Dundgobi province
Earthquake struck 34 km N of Saikhan ovoo sum of Dundgobi province with M=4.5 magnitude at 15 hour 03 minutes 15 seconds (UB time) on 2017.2.24. Earthquake’s epicenter latitude is 45.75 and longitude is 103.99.
Earthquake in Saikhan ovoo sum of Dundgobi province
Earthquake struck 33 km N of Saikhan ovoo sum of Dundgobi province with M=4.2 magnitude at 13 hour 30 minutes 10 seconds (UB time) on 2017.2.22. Earthquake’s epicenter latitude is 45.73 and longitude is 104.04
Earthquake in Mandal sum of Selenge province
Earthquake struck 6 km E of Mandal sum of Selenge province with M=4.1 magnitude at 8 hour 07 minutes 31 seconds (UB time) on 2017.3.02. Earthquake’s epicenter latitude is 47.84 and longitude is 91.06.
Earthquake in Erdenemandal sum of Arkhangai province
Earthquake struck 17 km SE of Erdenemandal sum of Arkhangai province with M=3.6 magnitude at 00 hour 47 minutes 57seconds (UB time) on 2017.2.22. Earthquake’s epicenter latitude is 48.46 and longitude is 101.59.
Earthquake at Tavan tolgoi mine
Earthquake struck 2 km NE of Tavan tolgoi mine with M=3.7 magnitude at 22 hour 18 minutes 37 seconds (UB time) on 2017.2.02. Earthquake’s epicenter latitude is 43.63 and longitude is 105.49.
Earthquake in Huvsgul sum of Dornogobi province
Earthquake struck 83 km SE of Huvsgul sum of Dornogobi province with M=3.8 magnitude at 7 hour 51 minutes 38 seconds (UB time) on 2017.3.11. Earthquake’s latitude is 43.02 and longitude is 110.29